You didn’t start your business to hustle 24/7

You started your business for freedom. To work less and make more. To play more. To be the captain of your ship, not the deckhand. The problem is: The business you’re running doesn’t run without you.

Sure, you can hire—maybe you’ve tried—but leading feels more stressful than just doing it yourself. It’s worked so far, right? You get results for your clients and referrals from their successes—but if you don’t know how to scale those successes without scaling your stress, you’re captaining a sinking ship. You need that elusive combination of well-defined processes and well-trained people to make your business scalable and successful. We can show you how.

You’re the captain. We’re your compass.

Helping agencies navigate growth with strategic systems and leadership

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Scale your business, not your stress

Whether you call yourself an agency owner, consultant or creative, one thing is obvious: You’re not an employee—you’re a leader. You’re in command of the ship (yeah, even when you don’t have command of your crew). The good news is: We do. We’re like the GPS of processes and systems for leaders, guiding you from scrappy business to successful agency. So, if you want to scale your business without scaling your stress, we’re here to help.


The secret to scaling a service business: Training a pod to do what only you can do. With our coaching program, you’ll get the guidance you need to productize and scale

Get high-touch  coaching


1:1 Strategic advisory

With a strategic focus, action plan and bi-monthly calls, advisory is the fast-track to optimizing your systems and becoming the leader your business needs to successfully scale.

Get strategic advisory



Ready to streamline how your team works together? Best suited for seven-figure agencies, custom consulting retainers give you all the benefits of coaching, plus hands-on team training.

Get hands-on guidance



Scaled her agency and took maternity leave.

Andréa Jones
CEO, OnlineDrea

Scaling her income without scaling her hours

Jennifer Turner
Founder, Gemini 


How it works

Book a discovery call

Want to discover what we can do for your business? Book a free, 50-minute discovery call to tell us where you want to go with your business, and we’ll tell you how we can help.


Select your service

From VIP Days to three-month engagements, there’s a service to meet you and your business where you’re at, helping you get to where you want to go as quickly as possible.


Scale your business

Working within our signature Mighty Pod Model method, we’ll set you up with the processes, systems and leadership skills you need to scale your business into a self-managing agency.

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Helping you find joy in your business

Founded by Audrey Kwan, AJK has never been about processes and systems alone. It’s been about people from day one. About how we bring more time, family and joy into the lives of agency owners, consultants and creatives. Because scaling your business is never just about money—it’s about freedom. The ‘J’ in AJK? That’s joy. And we’re here to help you find it in your business.


Free resources

free roadmap

Productize Your Service

Streamline your delivery so you can scale (even if you’re at capacity).

get the roadmap

free Cheat sheet

Build Your Mighty Pod 

Want a scale-able team structure for your service-based businesses? I'll show you how.

download instantly

free networking

Strategic Roundtable

A free monthly meetup for creatives, consultants and marketers who are in it to win it—together.

take your seat

Get insight into
scaling your business

Created for agency owners, consultants and creatives who are ready to scale to multiple six or seven figures with a team, Small But Mighty Agency is a no-BS podcast that offers stories and insights from inside successful agencies—the good, the bad and the ugly. We’ll show you what works and what doesn’t to take your business from one to many.


Listen to the latest:

Are you ready to scale?

Stop drowning in client work and build a service-based business that doesn’t depend on just you, the Mighty Pod Model™️ is your lifeboat. 


Are you flying by the seat of your pants building your agency and want more order to chaos? 

Start here. Get the Mighty Pod Model cheatsheet for a look inside a Small But Mighty Agency structure that scales.

Your Agency Org Chart Cheatsheet to Build a Small But Mighty Agency