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Increase your capacity without increasing your stress.

The Mighty Pod Model is a high touch coaching program to help you scale your services without compromising your quality (or sanity).

The Mighty Pod Model is high touch coaching to help you scale your agency without compromising your quality (or sanity).

You started your agency because you care

You don’t become a service provider if you don’t enjoy helping people. You started your business because you believed you could make someone’s life easier. The trouble is, it’s made your life harder!

There’s a reason you’re in high demand - your clients love how caring, considerate and professional you are. They keep coming back for your quality services time and time again. 

But you’re at capacity!

Because there are things only you can do, you’ve become a bottleneck for your business. There’s no way to expand your services, increase your revenue or help more clients. Worse, the thought of adding more to your already over-full to-do list isn’t just scary, it’s downright terrifying.

If something doesn’t change soon, you’re headed for burnout!

Some days you just want to quit!

Success is supposed to feel good right? So why, when you have a steady flow of clients, high demand services and a profitable business, does it feel so hard? 

You’re stretched too thin and the way your business is now just isn’t sustainable. Work seeps into your homelife, occupying a space in your brain at all times. If something doesn’t change you’re going to end up hating your work, resenting your clients and burning yourself out.

Don’t give up!

You’re busy because you’re good at what you do!

Clearly people need what you have to offer and you’re amazing at offering it - that’s why you’re in such high demand! Don’t give up on the successful business you’ve worked so hard to create.

But don’t give up on yourself either! 

What if there was a way to keep growing your business and get back your time, freedom and joy?

The Mighty Pod Model is the way.

Want to...

Grow your agency with more ease?
Expand your service offerings?
Go on vacation and still make money?

The Mighty Pod Model helps you leverage a lean team! 

What makes the Mighty Pod Model™️ different?

Unlike other programs, we don’t try to squish you into a cookie cutter model. Instead we take what’s already working well in your business and make it work even better. We take a whole business view, removing any extra padding in your packages and adding strategic steps that will allow someone to take work off your plate, giving you the freedom to step away from service delivery.

Our solution works because we strategize your service offering and consider what might dilute your team’s focus. By productizing your service, we help your team become more powerful and more effective, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

We take away the unnecessary steps in your process and add what’s needed to create consistent and predictable results.


Immediate benefits of having fewer client project tasks on my plate.

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If I was to grow my agency’s team on my own, I know I wouldn’t have done it the way Audrey coaches — and that would have held me back, slowed my growth and limited where my business could go (and how quickly).

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Audrey empowered me to determine the best roles to grow my team and led me through creating a SYSTEM to teach my new hires how to think and do like me (I didn’t believe it was possible until now!).

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I’ve felt the immediate benefits of having fewer client project tasks on my plate. Now I have more free time to dedicate to sales, relationships and refining our internal processes to better serve our clients — all without sacrificing profit.

Allea Grummert

Is this you?

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

You worry that your business will go down the drain if you stop working

You bring work home all the time and can’t be present with family 

You struggle to keep up with demands of client work and it leaves no time for growth

You wish people could download your brain and install your knowledge

You tried hiring people in the past, but you were disappointed in their results

You reached a revenue ceiling; more is available to you but you don’t have the bandwidth 

You want to scale your business and make more money, but you’re already at capacity

Meet Audrey

I’m on a mission to show consultants, creatives and marketers they can build a joyful million-dollar service-based business with a lean team. 

I know what it takes to build an agency — whether it’s from solo to two, three, five or twenty — done it. I help service providers pivot and create delivery systems that give them more freedom from client work and get more time and freedom back. 

My inspiration for all of it is my mom. She gave her work everything: time, health and joy. Before she could enjoy the life she worked so hard for, I lost her to terminal cancer. If the years have shown me one common denominator is this — you start your business for more opportunities and freedom. And find yourself overwhelmed by the business you created.

I have a track record of helping business owners create a different outcome so they don’t burn out. If you want more freedom in your business, invest in things that will pay itself back over and over again. Getting your delivery system structured and client delivery off your plate is one of those investments.


Working with Audrey is the best thing I’ve done for myself and my business.

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Building a business can feel daunting, but not with Audrey. She breaks things down into a roadmap and gives you exactly what you need at the right time, all done in a way that eliminates overwhelm.

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Audrey’s process delivers, and she is laser-focused. Her genius is knowing how to get to the root of challenges instead of band-aide approaches. With her support, we are on track to get to seven figures with confidence and clarity. 

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We’ve increased our revenue by 300 percent over the previous year. Working with Audrey is the best investment you can make for your business. If you need a caring guide with a proven track record, she is it. She is the secret advantage you need by your side.

Bill Downie
CEO, PEAR Agency

Ever wish you could just “poof” yourself out of your business without any consequences?

Whether it’s for the rest of your life or just for a day, we’ve all dreamed of escaping our lives.

The Mighty Pod Model gives you the power to choose how involved you are in your business at any time.

Your first step will be to productize your service by identifying your intellectual property, creating your assets and nailing your systems and processes so you can hand off service implementation and free up your time.

Then you’ll design your first pod, a lean team that can onboard clients and deliver services so you can focus on the bigger picture.

With your first pod in place, the sky’s the limit. You can keep replicating your pod, serving more clients and increasing your revenue without increasing your workload!

Then it’s up to you. 
Want to focus on your favorite part of the process? Go for it. 
Want to take a four week vacation? Bring back a souvenir!
Want to sell your business and start your next big adventure? Show me the money!

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Imagine your service-based business with:

The ability to increase capacity without increasing your stress
A lean team of thinkers and doers who aren’t dependent on you
Productized, sustainable service delivery and income
The resources you need to breakthrough a revenue ceiling
Time and energy to dream up new ideas (or just get more sleep)
A service business that works even when you don’t (hello, holidays)
Generate more money in your business while working more efficiently
Create intellectual property so you can outsource service delivery

What does the Mighty Pod Model™️ include:

Six months of mastermind group and coaching
Strategic intensive to create a custom roadmap
Templates and proven frameworks to follow
Monthly 60-minute business growth call
Monthly 60-minute mastermind call
Monthly 60-minutes 1:1 private coaching call

I have a roadmap to scale my business without me doing the service delivery.

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I was a consultant who wasn’t clear on how to leverage my business to serve more people. Today, I have a multiple six-figure business that I can scale, and we are on track to triple our revenue this year.

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With Audrey’s process-driven thinking and laser-sharp strategic advisory, we clarified and nailed down my service-based intellectual property, positioning and messaging, and streamlined our offer.

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She’s come alongside me to show me how to lead my team confidently and focus on the actual value-added activities to grow myself and my business. I’ve found myself doing things with ease that just six months ago I found highly daunting.

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She has a unique genius for laser-sharp focus on the right things at the right time and simplifying business growth.

Harriet Davis


Create your Mighty Pod

Once you have a productized service, you can build your first pod. A pod is a lean team of strategists and specialists who can work as a unit to deliver quality services independent of you. Think of it as your cloning process, the more times you clone your pod, the more you increase your capacity - all without adding to your workload.

How does the Mighty Pod Model work?


Productize your service

Using the power of our 5 pillars (niche, promise, intellectual property, container and process) you’re able to develop a focused team ready to become experts in your field. The beauty of this approach is that your process continues to be refined and your quality continues to improve. It’s like compound interest for your business!

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Here's the truth

We're tired of messy service businesses that keep entrepreneurs stuck.

We want to change the standard. Let us help you believe in yourself, that you are capable of helping more people without sacrificing yourself when you learn the process of productizing your service and building your Mighty Pod. 

We've broken it down and given away all the secrets we've used to to help scale agencies to seven figures without compromising the owner's wellbeing so you can too!

You have a choice, you can stay stuck and keep doing the same thing over again or waste time trying to decode how someone else did it, only to find out it doesn't work for your business … or you can fast track with me.

Here’s our guarantee

if we can’t pull out your intellectual property and processes in our six month program to scale in the Mighty POD Model — I’ll coach you for free* till you have your IP and processes.

(*one service and your service must have created revenue in your business and have testimonials. Must demonstrate that have followed the pillars of the productize your service foundation)


Featured client case study

Helping an agency owner become more profitable (and less stressed)

“It’s hard to find someone with Audrey’s level-headedness and breadth of knowledge. It’s like having a business partner—without giving her half your money.”

James Jensen


2. the problem
3. the solution
4. the results
5. the future

An agency operating like a freelancer

A seasoned creative director, James started Atom Studio with a passion for design. But from day one, he ran his agency like a freelancer: Day to day, as the work filtered into his inbox. He wasn’t thinking strategically, like what his capacity was, who to hire when, how to onboard them, or what to pay them. So, when the work piled up and he outsourced to contractors, those projects didn’t always operate at a profit.

5. the future
4. the results
3. the solution
2. the problem

Losing money (and his mind) on projects

The thing about losing money on projects is knowing how to fix it—and James didn’t. Project to project, he couldn’t pin down what was happening that was preventing him from being profitable consistently. A chance encounter at a networking event, and James decided to hire us to find the fix.
Looking at his numbers, we could see Atom Studio’s profitability was down, even though its revenue was up, in large part because James was hiring contractors at rates he couldn’t afford. The result? He was losing money and his mental health, stressing about making ends meet for his business and his family. He needed to learn how to hire and manage a team in a way that wouldn’t eat into his profits. And, with a single client making up 50% of his revenue, he needed to diversify his client list for a more sustainable, future-proof business model.

5. the future
4. the results
3. the solution
2. the problem

Getting the agency owner out of freelance mode

First, we got James to start thinking about the future of Atom Studio and what he wanted for his agency. With a clear vision, we were able to identify a team structure that would support that vision. Of course, a structure is nothing without a plan, so we took his internalized knowledge of Atom Studio’s processes and started documenting the agency’s systems in a project management tool to streamline onboarding. And speaking of onboarding: No more overpriced contractors. James started searching for designers and developers whose rates reflected their abilities and experience.
Then there was the leadership training. We talked hiring, communications and sales to strengthen James’ confidence as owner of the agency and leader of his team. We covered everything from how to interview and hire, how to communicate with his team, and how to stop underselling himself and charge his value.

5. the future
4. the results
3. the solution
2. the problem

Triple the profit, none of the stress

First things first, James more than tripled his profit in a single year—on less than double the revenue! He grew his team from occasional contractors to four reliable full- and part-time employees. He says if someone had said a year ago he’d have four team members, he would have been freaking out—but when you go about things in the right order, you’re never in a place of risk.
Before hiring us, James never really thought of himself as a leader. Now? He has the confidence to own that title and make the decisions required of a leader. Most importantly, if you ask James, he’ll tell you he’s way less stressed. He works fewer hours and isn’t pulling his hair out about turning a profit because he’s buffered time (and money) into every project. Even if a project goes sideways, he knows he and his business will still be okay.

5. the future
4. the results
3. the solution
2. the problem

Make dent in the world

With processes and people in place, and the agency at capacity, James has the privilege of hiring more full-time employees to scale his profitability and only saying yes to the work he wants—work that, in his words, will make a dent in the world. We’re with you, James.

Closed $80K in new biz by the second month of working together.

I closed $80K by the second month of working with Audrey. Her process helped me dial in and focus on what matters to growing my business. I would highly recommend Audrey to anyone looking to grow their business in a sustainable, and profitable way.



Make it mighty

If you’re ready to stop drowning in client work and build a service-based business that doesn’t depend on just you, the Mighty Pod Model™️ is your lifeboat.

A high-touch coaching program, the Mighty Pod Model™️ will train and coach you through the exact steps I use to help agency owners, consultants and creatives build teams of thinkers and doers, scale to multiple six and seven figures, and finally free themselves from the 24/7 hustle and stress. You in?

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