Karen Seymour: How this social media strategist is going from solopreneur to CEO

June 2, 2021

If you’re a service-based solopreneur bumping up against capacity, what might feel scary but necessary is to de-prioritize business-building activities like marketing and visibility for business-stabilizing activities like systems, process improvements, and building your team.

If onboarding two more clients in your business with the current structure you have now creates anxiety about servicing them with excellence, it’s time to look at your operations and team.

Karen Seymour was a solopreneur who started her digital marketing business four years ago. Over the past four years she’s gone from wondering how to get her next client to now bumping into a capacity challenge. This year, she’s deciding to put her clients first by focusing on business-stabilizing activities like systems, processes and team to better serve her current and future clients.

On this episode of Small But Mighty Agency:

  • What’s growing her business right now
  • How to know it’s time to focus on streamlining operations and team
  • What a team can really do for your business
  • What’s working on social media this year
  • Why networking is more important than ever

Karen Seymour is the Founder & Social Media Strategist at Karen J Seymour – Digital Marketing, LLC in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She started her business in 2017, after a 10-year career as a consultant and project manager.  Karen specializes in growing audiences and creating communities of loyal, raving fans and customers on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. When she’s not working, you can find Karen shopping online, brunching with friends, or spending time with her husband Geoff and 2 adorable fur babies, Roger and Eboni.

Show Links

Facebook: @kjsmarketing

Instagram: @kjs_marketing

Email: hello@karenjseymour.com

Website: https://www.karenjseymour.com/

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