Michael Tighe: How to avoid $60K in mistakes when growing your team

June 9, 2021

Have you hired somebody into your business before and felt burned because it didn’t work out? Michael did, and it cost him $60,000. In this episode, we explore the hiring and leadership insights gained from the costly mistake and how the mistake he made 6 years ago informs his approach to hiring and building his team today.

On this episode of Small But Mighty Agency:

  • How to avoid making $60,000 in hiring mistakes
  • The leadership skills that are necessary for team building
  • Creating KPI’s to help team members see how their salary and role can grow with the company
  • The necessity of creating additional time to train people and the payoff
  • Rebounding from losing over $250,000 in four days in the covid pandemic

Michael Tighe is the co-founder and managing director of SOLID, a creative design and marketing agency that launched in 2010. Mike has a long-standing success record in agencies, before co-founding SOLID he worked at Critical Mass, and started up his first design company before co-founding SOLID. Mike is now the leader of a team of 14 with 5 full-time staff and 11 contractors. His quotable, “People think you have to be this otherworldly strong person to start a business, to build a business, and that’s not true, To me, what it really means is your ability to bend and not break.”

Show Links

Solid Website: https://asolidsite.com/

Michael Tighe LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miketighe/

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