Stuck In a Plateau? How Repositioning Might Be the Answer

October 9, 2024

Has your agency hit a plateau? Maybe you’re attracting the wrong clients or feeling like your services aren’t being valued as much as they should be. 

If this sounds familiar, it might be time to rethink your positioning.

In this episode of Small But Mighty Agency, we’re diving into how repositioning your agency can help you:

  • Break out of a growth plateau
  • Attract bigger, higher-paying clients who truly value your expertise
  • Gain clarity on your niche and stand out in a crowded market
  • Build a reputation as a go-to expert in your industry

Wondering if it’s time to reposition? 

I’ll walk you through the four key signs that indicate a shift is needed and share actionable steps to successfully reposition your agency and reignite growth.

Key Takeaways:

  • The benefits of repositioning and why it can transform your agency’s prospects
  • Practical insights on how to realign your services and messaging to attract the clients you truly want
  • How to shift your positioning to open doors to higher-value clients and more lucrative opportunities

Let me know your thoughts after you listen—I’d love to hear from you!

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Small But Mighty Agency Podcast

Episode 112: Stuck In a Plateau? How Repositioning Might Be the Answer

Speakers: Audrey Joy Kwan

Audrey Joy Kwan

Has your agency hit a plateau? Maybe you’re attracting the wrong clients or feeling like your services aren’t being valued as much as they should be. 

If this sounds familiar, it might be time to rethink your positioning.

In today’s episode, we’re tackling exactly that—how to reposition your agency so you can break out of a plateau and start attracting bigger, higher-paying clients who truly value your expertise.

And if you’re wondering, “Do I need to reposition?” I’ll share four key signs that indicate it’s time for a change, plus actionable steps to ensure your repositioning is a success.

Tune in, I’ll see you in the episode!

Audrey Joy Kwan

Welcome ​to ​the ​Small But Mighty Agency ​Podcast. ​If ​you ​want ​to ​grow ​an ​agency ​to ​seven ​figures ​and ​beyond ​without ​working ​more ​hours ​in ​your ​business, ​you’re ​in ​the ​right ​place. ​I’m ​your ​host, ​Audrey ​Joy ​Kwon. ​I ​know ​what ​it ​takes ​to ​build ​an ​agency, ​including ​supporting ​an ​agency ​owner ​in ​selling ​and ​exiting. ​I ​also ​have ​a ​master’s ​degree ​in ​communications, ​specializing ​in ​organizational ​development. ​My ​team ​and ​I ​have ​worked ​behind ​the ​scenes ​of ​multiple ​seven ​figure ​agencies ​and ​have ​coached ​and ​consulted ​with ​over ​150 ​agency ​owners. ​All ​this ​to ​say, ​when ​you ​join ​us ​on ​the ​small ​but ​mighty ​agency ​podcast, ​you ​get ​real ​world ​experience ​and ​practical ​tips ​that ​help ​you ​work ​less, ​earn ​more, ​and ​lead ​with ​integrity. ​So ​let’s ​go.

Audrey Joy Kwan

Hey friends, welcome back to the Small But Mighty Agency podcast, in today’s episode, we’re going to dig deep into a strategy that has come up in my discussions with a number of agency owners, including clients and communities that I take part in, and the strategy is repositioning.

Whether you’ve hit a plateau in your growth, you’re attracting the wrong clients, or you feel like your services aren’t being valued as much as they should be, it could be time to rethink your positioning. Today, we’ll explore how repositioning your agency can help you gain clarity, attract bigger clients, and grow your reputation in the industry. 

What Does Repositioning Mean for an Agency?

Alright, let’s start with the basics—what exactly does repositioning mean? When I talk about repositioning your agency, I’m referring to a strategic shift in how your business is perceived in the marketplace. This could mean rethinking your niche, the type of clients you serve, or even the services you offer.

A lot of agency owners I speak with tend to think that repositioning means a complete overhaul, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes it’s just about refining your message or doubling down on a specific type of service that you excel at. 

It’s about shifting the narrative around your agency to ensure that you’re attracting the right clients and presenting yourself as an expert in a way that resonates with your target market.

When you reposition your agency, you’re not just reacting to the market—you’re taking control of how you’re perceived. You’re ensuring that your agency isn’t just one of many, but the go-to solution for a specific problem or niche.

 Why Agencies Need to Reposition

So why do agencies need to reposition in the first place? 

For many of us, the market changes, and we need to evolve with it. 

Maybe the clients you’ve been working with aren’t the best fit anymore, or the services that used to be in high demand are becoming commoditized. Repositioning helps you stay ahead of these changes.

Another reason agencies need to reposition is to stand out in an increasingly crowded space. If you’re too general in your approach, clients may struggle to see why they should choose you over someone else. And let’s face it, when you try to be everything to everyone, you’re not making a strong impression on anyone.

A great example of why repositioning works is when you move from offering a broad range of services to focusing on a specific vertical or industry. Instead of saying, “We do digital marketing for everyone,” you might reposition to, “We specialize in digital marketing for wellness brands.” That laser focus makes you more attractive to a specific audience, and it immediately sets you apart from agencies that are still trying to cover all the bases.

One thing is clear as we head into the next few years, it will be increasingly difficult to be a generalist because that’s what we have AI for. Agency clients will want and do want deep industry knowledge. 

Clarity in who you serve will transform your growth potential. When you’re positioned as an expert in a particular niche or industry area, clients start to see you as indispensable.

You’re no longer competing on price or scrambling for every lead that comes through the door. You’re being sought out because you’re the best at what you do for a specific audience.

Signs It’s Time to Reposition Your Agency

You might be wondering, “How do I know when it’s time to reposition my agency?” There are a few signs you should be looking out for.

  1. Are you attracting the wrong clients: If you’re consistently getting inquiries from clients that don’t match your ideal profile—whether they don’t have the right budget, or they’re looking for services that don’t play to your strengths—it could be a sign that your positioning is off.
  2. Do you have stagnant growth: If your agency has hit a plateau and new business is slowing down, it’s a good time to evaluate whether your current positioning is holding you back. This often happens when you’re not clearly communicating the value you bring or if you’re perceived as too general.
  3. Is there commoditization of services: If you feel like you’re constantly competing on price, repositioning can help you move away from commodity services and into more specialized, high-value offerings that command higher fees.
  4. Maybe there’s a lack of recognition: If your agency is not standing out in the market, you might be blending in with too many others that offer similar services. Repositioning can help clarify your unique value proposition, making it easier for clients to see why you’re the best fit for them.

If any of these signs sound familiar, repositioning could be the key to unlocking the next phase of growth for your agency.

How to Reposition Successfully

Now, let’s talk about how to reposition your agency successfully. Repositioning is not just about changing your tagline or updating your website. It’s a strategic process that involves clarity, focus, and consistency across your business. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Clarify Your Niche: Repositioning often involves niching down. Ask yourself: What type of clients do I want more of? and What services do I excel at? By getting specific its easier to attract the right clients and build a strong reputation.
  2. Redefine Your Value Proposition: After you’ve identified your niche, refine your value proposition. This is the core statement of what you do, who you do it for, and why you’re the best at it. The best value propositions are clear, concise, and compelling. Longer is not better. Your clients should immediately understand why they need you.
  3. Evaluate Your Services: Part of repositioning may involve productizing your services. This means taking your most successful offerings and packaging them as defined products with clear deliverables and outcomes. Clients love this because it takes the guesswork out of what they’re getting, and it makes your services more scalable.
  4. Update Your Messaging and Brand: Once you’ve clarified your niche and refined your value proposition, your messaging has to align with your new positioning. This includes your website, social media, email marketing, and even how you pitch clients. Your new position should shine through in everything you do.
  5. Consistency is Key: After you’ve repositioned, stay consistent. Changing how your agency is perceived requires persistence and patience. I heard this saying from a friend this week — what you do today won’t show up in your business till six to seven months down the road, that’s truth, so stay persistent. Stick to your niche, continue refining your services, and let your messaging do its work over time.

The Benefits of Repositioning

So, what’s on the other side of repositioning? The benefits can change your agency for the better. When you reposition successfully, you’re no longer chasing clients that aren’t a fit—you’re attracting the right ones, those who value your expertise and are willing to pay for it.

You’ll also find that you’re able to scale more efficiently. When you narrow your focus, you can streamline your services, making it easier to sell and deliver. This reduces scope creep and helps you create more predictable revenue.

Finally, repositioning builds your reputation. When you’re positioned as a specialist, you become known for your expertise. Over time, you build credibility and authority in your niche, which leads to more referrals and bigger clients.

Time to Rethink Your Positioning
Repositioning your agency can be a powerful way to unlock growth, stay competitive and innovate. If you’ve been feeling like you’re not attracting the right clients or your services are being commoditized, it might be time to rethink how you’re positioned in the market.

To sum it up — it’s about clarity, focus, and delivering a message that resonates with the clients you want. By niching down, refining your value proposition, and updating your services and messaging, you can reposition yourself as the go-to in your space.

If positioning or repositioning is on your mind, I hope you’ve found this episode helpful. Thanks for tuning in today’s and as always, keep growing your small but mighty agency!

Audrey Joy Kwan

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