Why You’re the Bottleneck in your Business

March 2, 2022

Are you stuck in your business feeling like client work is dependent on just you, and you worry it will all go down the tank when you stop working? 

If you don’t know how to change that – or maybe you do, but it hasn’t turned out how you thought it would? Tune in to discover: 

  • Why do some business owners remain the bottleneck even after getting systems and processes in place?
  • Where do you start when documenting systems and processes and get it done without overwhelm
  • The method to get processes in your service business done in less time and with less stress
  • Access our free productized service workflow to leverage our approach of one service and one system at a time. 
  • Which system to start with if you are at capacity and need to overcome revenue plateau. 

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Where To Start When Documenting Systems for Your Business?

Here’s our approach to get it done in less time and with less stress. 

Curb the overwhelm that stops most business owners from creating the structure and control they need to grow the business with systems and processes. 

Most creatives, consultants and agency owners cherry-pick random systems to document and as a result, get buried in what feels like a never-ending list of processes that you just don’t get done. 

To get it done in less time and less stress, start with one service. 

Download our free productized service workflow to identify the different systems in one service AND then choose one system at a time. 

I promise you, when you start with one service and then choose one system in that service, you’ll get to leverage your processes to grow your business faster. 


Now it’s time to build your Small But Mighty Agency

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