We get it:

Whether you have an in-house team or go-to contractors, you don’t feel confident leaving the decision making in their hands —so you check in 24/7, trying to keep track of the day-to-day so this ship you’re sailing stays afloat. Sure, you have some successes, but you also have failures. Someone drops the ball, you get fired, and you can’t figure out what went wrong or how to consistently streamline your services—forget increasing capacity or scaling. Because how would you scale without increasing your hours and scaling your stress? Right now, it’s safe to say you couldn’t.

You’re overworked and overwhelmed. Stressed out. Burnt out. Because your projects, people and business can’t run without you.

Is this you?

You spend your days checking in on your team and their tasks because you don’t know what is or isn’t getting done.

You train your team and delegate tasks, but you feel like you’re not on the same page—and tasks don’t get done well.

You have a vision for the business, but you’re too busy (or burnt out) to step out of the day-to-day and into CEO mode.

You get results for clients, but you don’t know how to make your client experience consistent and stop reinventing the wheel.

You have to say no to new projects because you don’t know how to increase your capacity without increasing your hours.

You started this business for more freedom, but you’re working evenings and weekends and missing out on life.

You spend your days checking in on your team and their tasks because you don’t know what is or isn’t getting done.

You train your team and delegate tasks, but you feel like you’re not on the same page—and tasks don’t get done well.

You have a vision for the business, but you’re too busy (or burnt out) to step out of the day-to-day and into CEO mode.

You get results for clients, but you don’t know how to make your client experience consistent and stop reinventing the wheel.

You have to say no to new projects because you don’t know how to increase your capacity without increasing your hours.

You started this business for more freedom, but you’re working evenings and weekends and missing out on life.

You spend your days checking in on your team and their tasks because you don’t know what is or isn’t getting done.

You train your team and delegate tasks, but you feel like you’re not on the same page—and tasks don’t get done well.

You have a vision for the business, but you’re too busy (or burnt out) to step out of the day-to-day and into CEO mode.

You get results for clients, but you don’t know how to make your client experience consistent and stop reinventing the wheel.

You have to say no to new projects because you don’t know how to increase your capacity without increasing your hours.

You started this business for more freedom, but you’re working evenings and weekends and missing out on life.

You spend your days checking in on your team and their tasks because you don’t know what is or isn’t getting done.

You train your team and delegate tasks, but you feel like you’re not on the same page—and tasks don’t get done well.

You have a vision for the business, but you’re too busy (or burnt out) to step out of the day-to-day and into CEO mode.

You get results for clients, but you don’t know how to make your client experience consistent and stop reinventing the wheel.

You have to say no to new projects because you don’t know how to increase your capacity without increasing your hours.

You started this business for more freedom, but you’re working evenings and weekends and missing out on life.

You spend your days checking in on your team and their tasks because you don’t know what is or isn’t getting done.

You train your team and delegate tasks, but you feel like you’re not on the same page—and tasks don’t get done well.

You have a vision for the business, but you’re too busy (or burnt out) to step out of the day-to-day and into CEO mode.

You get results for clients, but you don’t know how to make your client experience consistent and stop reinventing the wheel.

You have to say no to new projects because you don’t know how to increase your capacity without increasing your hours.

You started this business for more freedom, but you’re working evenings and weekends and missing out on life.

You spend your days checking in on your team and their tasks because you don’t know what is or isn’t getting done.

You train your team and delegate tasks, but you feel like you’re not on the same page—and tasks don’t get done well.

You have a vision for the business, but you’re too busy (or burnt out) to step out of the day-to-day and into CEO mode.

You get results for clients, but you don’t know how to make your client experience consistent and stop reinventing the wheel.

You have to say no to new projects because you don’t know how to increase your capacity without increasing your hours.

You started this business for more freedom, but you’re working evenings and weekends and missing out on life.

Imagine your team running without you. No checking in or following up on tasks. No micromanaging.

Your team feels empowered to make decisions without you—and you’re confident leaving the decision-making in their hands.

You’re free from managing the business, so you can actually lead the business, investing your energy in the vision, business development—and finally taking that long-overdue vacation. That is the power of integrating systems and leadership in your business. But most of us don’t know how to strategically leverage processes and systems to our advantage. That’s where we step in.

We’ll meet you where you’re at

Maybe you’ve never documented a process for your business. Or maybe you’ve documented them all but still feel like your business is out of control. Whatever the case, you’re not alone—and we can help. From done-in-a-day services to six-month coaching and consulting packages, we’ll guide you from scrappy business to successful agency. Are you ready?


trusted by


Designed for business owners (at capacity) who don’t know how to focus their time and energy because there’s just so much to do, strategic advisory arms you to lead the business instead of managing it. Using our signature Mighty Pod Model method, we’ll show you how to optimize your offers, streamline your processes and systems, and empower your team with structure, responsibility and training. Say hello to freedom, friend.

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Increased our revenue by 300% over last year

Working with Audrey is the best thing I’ve done for myself and my business. I came to Audrey with expertise in my field but needed support to build a multiple six-figure and beyond service business that didn’t depend on just me to deliver the service and support my clients.

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Audrey’s process delivers, and she is laser-focused. Her genius is knowing how to get to the root of challenges instead of band-aide approaches. With her support, we are on track to get to seven figures with confidence and clarity. We’ve increased our revenue by 300 percent over the previous year.

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Building a business can feel daunting, but not with Audrey. She breaks things down into a roadmap and gives you exactly what you need at the right time, all done in a way that eliminates overwhelm.

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Working with Audrey is the best investment you can make for your business. If you need a caring guide with a proven track record, she is it. She is the secret advantage you need by your side.

start over ➔

Bill Downie
CEO, PEAR Agency

coaching PROGRAM

Meet the Mighty Pod Model™️ coaching program: Six months of high-touch coaching to show you how to scale your business using pods: Lean but mighty teams. Teams who think as well as they do. Teams you can rely on. Teams you can duplicate again and again to scale your business. Designed for consultants, creatives and agency-owners who want high-touch training and coaching to grow a service business, the Mighty Pod Model™️ is your program.

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I have a roadmap to scale my business without me doing the service delivery.

I was a consultant who wasn’t clear on how to leverage my business to serve more people. Today, I have a multiple six-figure business that I can scale, and we are on track to triple our revenue this year.

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With Audrey’s process-driven thinking and laser-sharp strategic advisory, we clarified and nailed down my service-based intellectual property, positioning and messaging, and streamlined our offer.

I have a roadmap to scale my business without me doing the service delivery.

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With Audrey’s process-driven thinking and laser-sharp strategic advisory, we clarified and nailed down my service-based intellectual property, positioning and messaging, and streamlined our offer.

She’s come alongside me to show me how to lead my team confidently and focus on the actual value-added activities to grow myself and my business. I’ve found myself doing things with ease that just six months ago I found highly daunting.

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She has a unique genius for laser-sharp focus on the right things at the right time and simplifying business growth.

She has a unique genius for laser-sharp focus on the right things at the right time and simplifying business growth.

I have a roadmap to scale my business without me doing the service delivery.

start over ➔

Harriet Davis

Team Growth Sprint

Are you at a standstill trying to figure out a team structure to meet the vision you have for your agency without you having to continue to do it all? You’ve even tried to hire what you thought would be the perfect role to get your agency to the next level, only to be disappointed.


I’ve felt the immediate benefits of having fewer client project tasks on my plate. 

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If I was to grow my agency’s team on my own, I know I wouldn’t have done it the way Audrey coaches — and that would have held me back, slowed my growth and limited where my business could go (and how quickly).

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Audrey empowered me to determine the best roles to grow my team and led me through creating a SYSTEM to teach my new hires how to think and do like me (I didn’t believe it was possible until now!).

Start Over ➔

I’ve felt the immediate benefits of having fewer client project tasks on my plate. Now I have more free time to dedicate to sales, relationships and refining our internal processes to better serve our clients — all without sacrificing profit


Leadership DevelopmenT Program

Equipping Leaders for Success is a high-touch team coaching program for agency owners who want to take their people and performance to the next level. Focusing on your agency’s leadership, we’ll show you how your agency can engage, empower, and retain the people you’ve already hired for less turnover and more profits.

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She's a leader in organizational growth!

Audrey helped me develop my expertise and understanding of processes to grow the business. We have been working together to help structure our small consulting business, implement change, shape processes, and our ways of thinking. Not only have I grown as an individual, but my team and the company have also seen impactful organizational and development changes. If you are a small business or a start-up environment like us, I highly recommend working with Audrey. She is a leader in organizational growth, process, and idea development for your business.

Natalie Smith
Business Operations Manager, Granted Consulting

Get insight into
scaling your business

Created for agency owners, consultants and creatives who are ready to scale to multiple six or seven figures with a team, Small But Mighty Agency is a no-BS podcast that offers stories and insights from inside successful agencies—the good, the bad and the ugly. We’ll show you what works and what doesn’t to take your business from one to many.


Listen to the latest:

Are you ready to scale?

Stop drowning in client work and build a service-based business that doesn’t depend on just you, the Mighty Pod Model™️ is your lifeboat.